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Poland begins work on electronic fence along border with Russia

‘I am sure that this will be the best secured EU border,’ says interior minister.

Poland begins work on electronic fence along border with Russia
19-04-2023 00:58
Google News

Poland ÖZETİ| began building an electronic barrier Tuesday along its border with Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave, the Polish interior minister said Tuesday.

“We will have full monitoring of the border with Russia,” Mariusz Kaminski told journalists in Warsaw. “I am sure that this will be the best secured EU border.”

The 210-kilometer (130-mile) barrier will monitor illegal activity with 24-hour cameras and motion detectors. It is due to be completed in the fall.

Poland put up anti-tank barriers in February on roads leading to border crossings with Kaliningrad after putting up a razor-wire barrier in 2022.

“It will be an extremely modern fence, like the one we have on the border with Belarus. We have day and night cameras and motion sensors there, so we will have a full view of what is happening there,” said Kaminski.

The fence will be equipped with 2,000 camera poles where 3,000 cameras will be placed. A total of 700 kilometers (435 miles) of power, transmission and detection cables will also be placed along the fence.

Editor : Şerif SENCER
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