Turkish ÖZETİ| German doctor Dilek Gursoy, the first woman surgeon in Europe to implant an artificial heart, has made the cover of the leading business magazine Forbes.
Sharing the cover of Forbes’ Nov. 3 German edition on Instagram, Gursoy said: "I was touched and incredibly honored to have artificial heart treatment and artificial heart research as a topic on Forbes."
Hailing her as the "The Queen of Hearts," the magazine describes her like so: "Dilek Gursoy is the daughter of two Turkish immigrants. She studied medicine and went on to become a heart surgeon. In 2012, she became the first woman (in Europe) to transplant an artificial heart. Currently, she is a chief doctor at Clinic Bel Etage and runs her own private practice. She is one of the leading experts in the field of artificial hearts and circulatory support systems."
The magazine hits newsstands in Germany next week.
In 2019, the German Medical Club named Gursoy Physician of the Year 2019 for her achievement as the first female surgeon in Europe to implant an artificial heart.
Editor : Şerif SENCER